Starting Senior Year Strong


A senior at The SEED School of Washington, D.C. (SEED DC), Kamayia Henry (SEED DC ’22) is thankful for the chance to experience her last year at SEED on campus. After all, a key component of what sets SEED apart are the bonds built in our dormitories, the strong sense of community, and each student’s ability to devote countless hours to discovering their passions as they prepare for college. 

What Kamayia has cherished most about her time at SEED are the hands-on learning experiences many of her teachers have provided. From preparing to argue her side as a defense attorney for a civil case, to serving as an entrepreneur and selling her product to community members (her team created a pencil case with a built-in pencil sharpener), Kamayia’s educational journey at SEED has helped her uncover many interests. “SEED is a good opportunity for students like me. It offers a safe space to have conversations and the ability to learn and to develop interests I never knew I had.” 


She also appreciates the organization and support provided even after her classes have ended for the day. “I really like things to be organized—I work best that way. And because SEED has the boarding program, we have all our afterschool activities planned and prepared, from when to finish your homework, to read, and to participate in fun activities with your dorm mates. I think having this structure will help prepare me for college—it has given me a bit of insight on what college may be like.” 

Kamayia isn’t yet certain where she will enroll in college or what she will study next year, but she feels confident that SEED will help her unearth those unknowns. “My SEED college counselor reached out to me before school began to discuss my plans and scholarship and funding opportunities. He’s helping me narrow my focus and has provided insight on what to expect.”   

For Kamayia, this is her year to play on the volleyball team, to star in a play produced by The SEED Falcon Theatre, and to engage with her classmates. “I’m really excited to reconnect with my classmates—to have our prom and to celebrate our graduation. It’s been so long since we’ve seen each other in person.”