Ready, Set, Back to Boarding!

This fall, SEED students arrived back on campus full of the possibilities of a new school year and ready to take on new challenges, expand their horizons, and have fun. Students have moved into their dorms and started classes, tried out for sports, and signed up for activities. They are reconnecting with their SEED school communities, including teachers, coaches, counselors, and classmates. Each SEED school celebrated move-in day in a unique way, but the excitement of the students and staff was the same across the Network.

At The SEED School of Maryland’s (SEED MD) move-in day, families lined up in their cars to drop students off. Parents and siblings grabbed last hugs, and students were welcomed in the dorms by student life counselors ready to help them settle in. Sixth grader Nayshalis was excited as she arrived on SEED MD’s campus for her first year. Even though she was feeling a little nervous, she said “I’m looking forward to meeting new people.” 

Instead of the traditional move-in day block party of years past, The SEED School of Miami (SEED Miami) students arrived on campus in smaller groups over four nights. They were familiar with their campus from June orientation community meetings, which helped them get acclimated to the new year. One of the many back-to-school activities was Freshman Bridge, a series of workshops that helps ninth graders get into the high school mindset. They learned about time management, executive functioning skills, and college readiness topics, and they planned out what they want their transcripts to say in the future.  

At SEED DC, back-to-school preparation started in June, where each incoming class had an outdoor orientation, complete with SEED DC swag, balloons, and a scavenger hunt. When students came back to campus in August for move-in, they were met with the same uplifting energy. A welcome committee greeted them outside, and student life counselors had playlists prepared for each of their floors. Mr. Rooks, director of student life at SEED DC, is excited to see what his students will achieve this year with the guidance of the resilient and perseverant SEED DC faculty. “We’re looking forward to helping students identify who they are and change their trajectory as owners of their own learning. We’re here to facilitate that.”

Like many things these days, move-in day looked a little different this year, but the hopeful energy of the start of a new school year was the same as always. The challenges of the last year and a half haven’t dampened the drive and curiosity of our students. They are motivated and engaged, and SEED faculty are thrilled to have students back in the classroom and on campus to help them develop their talents and skills. 

Opportunity and Community: The SEED Graduate Institute

At SEED, we are committed to guiding our students on the path to fulfilling careers and economic stability. One of the ways we do this is through the SEED Graduate Institute (SGI): a collaboration between The SEED Foundation’s College Transition and Success Team and our SEED graduates. SGI is open to SEED graduates from all classes and is designed to foster their professional and personal development, build their networks, expand their understanding of personal finance, and to provide insight into workplace environments. Whether they are charting, beginning, or switching careers, SEED graduates that participate in SGI leave with information to support their goals. 

Held virtually for the second year in a row, the 15th Annual SEED Graduate Institute opened with remarks from SEED’s CEO Lesley Poole. Ms. Poole set the tone for the weekend-long event by uplifting the SEED core value gratitude. “It’s been a tough year,” she acknowledged, but “we can make the choice to be grateful. Cultivating gratitude helps us persevere. It gives us the ability to see the good, to relish the positive experiences, and to deal with adversity.” 

SEED Graduate, Shamari Pratt

SEED Graduate, Shamari Pratt

One of the highlights of the weekend was the “Graduate Business Showcase” led by SEED graduates who are fulfilling their goals of becoming entrepreneurs. From what inspired them to what sustains them, panelists and participants talked about the rewards and challenges of being your own boss. The overall spirit was one of mutual support as attendees traded insights on how to balance the “9-5 and 5-9”and how to push through the self-doubt of imposter syndrome. “If you’re thinking about starting a business, reach out to your SEED network. So many of us who are business owners want to offer advice,” said Tamia Spells (SEED DC ’10, Virginia Tech ‘14).

SEED staff and guest presenters also highlighted other post-collegiate paths over the course of SGI. Some notable sessions included: 

  • Dr. Jubria Lewis, director of school improvement at The SEED Foundation, led the session “Mastering the Graduate Admissions Process” for students trying to figure what they needed to consider before applying to graduate school and how to start the process.

  • SEED Foundation Human Resources Generalist Sabrina Brown coached students on how to skillfully communicate with management during the interview and hiring process to get the best compensation package available.

  • Garet Turner, CMP, CAE, founder of Soiree Advisors, presented on career transitions and stressed the importance of seeking out service and leadership roles starting in college. He also spoke about the significance of finding advocates and mentors in the workplace.

  • SEED partner Truist led a session on financial planning and how to establish credit.

Like any SEED experience, SGI was as fun as it was informative. One of the most popular sessions was a lively round of the quiz game Kahoot hosted by sisters Eriel and Alexis Holloway—both SEED graduates and SEED employees. Participants answered questions about SEED history and pop culture, with the winner taking home a $50 gift card. Cordell Mimms, (SEED DC ’11, Morehouse College ’16) also gave a musical performance, and graduates tuned into mix and mingle events. 

SGI is one of the ways that The SEED Foundation and the College Transition & Success team support graduates in exploring, identifying, and reaching their career goals. Through our programming—such as SGI, Graduate Panels, and other career planning sessions—SEED is helping to level the playing field.  

We know that our students and graduates are the ones who put in the hard work to achieve their goals. With the SEED team by their side to help open doors to a range of opportunities available to them, SEED graduates continue to defy the odds. 

Read more about programming for SEED graduates here.

This Year, Summer Programming is Different


In response to the loss of learning and in-person instructional time that resulted from the pandemic, summer schooling across the country has shifted from a remedial measure for a limited number of students to a summer experience designed to accelerate learning. This summer provided SEED schools the opportunity to reimagine what an engaging and fun summer program could look like and gave our school communities the chance to rebuild together and emerge stronger. 

Research has shown the positive effects of strong summer programs. In fact, a study conducted by the Rand Corporation revealed short- and long-term benefits among students who consistently attended voluntary programming in the summer. Building on this notion, SEED schools designed an experience that would offer SEED scholars a range of activities including physical fitness, science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM), college and career readiness, and reading. “Our goal is to create as many touch points as possible with as many students as possible. By maintaining and building strong relationships, we can help get students in the right frame of mind”, shared Brian Rahaman, head of school at The SEED School of Washington, D.C. (SEED DC). 

Some examples of programming offered this summer at SEED include a Fine Arts camp at The SEED School of Maryland (SEED MD). Titled “One Scene! One Song! One Set!”, students took part in an immersive experience and learned one scene, one song, and one set piece from the hit Broadway musical The Wiz. The camp concluded with a community performance. Students at SEED MD also participated in a Cyber Camp where they built Raspberry Pi, (a credit card sized computer that plugs into a monitor), planned and created 3D print projects, and learned about how drones are being integrated into local business. And at SEED DC, students and staff are participating in a SEED Reads program and are currently reading The Alchemist. Followed by a group book review and writing assignment which students will bring when attending orientation, this project challenges students to think critically and helps to improve their reading and writing skills.


Through summer programming, we can help students build on what they already know and remain engaged in learning. It can also help to decrease the widening achievement and opportunity gap between students growing up in low-income communities and their more affluent peers—a trend that has been intensified by the pandemic. However, we know that this is the first step to addressing learning loss. The U.S. Department of Education’s COVID-19 Handbook, which serves as a roadmap to safely opening schools while meeting all student’s needs, listed summer learning enrichment as well as high-quality tutoring and in-school acceleration as key measures to addressing learning loss. As we prepare to welcome students back to campus this fall, our team has been intensely focused on incorporating more instructional minutes in key subject areas. For example, SEED DC is adding a writing course to their curriculum this school year. They are also integrating a math lab in the evening for four days a week which will enable students to learn and practice math concepts with a tutor. “We’re committed to supporting students from an emotional, mental, and social standpoint and accelerating their learning as we recover from more than a year in a pandemic”, said Mr. Rahaman. 

By focusing in on providing equitable and adequate educational opportunities—all year long—that address the impact of COVID-19 on students, educators, and staff, we can ensure our scholars are set up for future success. 

To learn more about programming offered at SEED schools, click here

Graduation Season: Celebrating SEED Seniors

Across the SEED Network, June was a month of celebration. Graduates at SEED DC, SEED MD, and the first senior class from SEED Miami marked a major milestone on their paths to college success. SEED graduates donned caps and gowns and were cheered on by their families and their respective SEED communities. 

The SEED School of Maryland

SEED Maryland’s 26 seniors graduated at an outdoor ceremony in Baltimore on Saturday, June 5. A limited number of staff and family members joined in person, while the rest cheered graduates on through a livestream of the event.  

Local news anchor Nicole Baker delivered the keynote address, which began with quotes from Drake and ended with a call for graduates to keep pursuing their dreams. Tuck Burch, SEED MD’s board chair, remarked on how SEED’s seniors began at SEED the same year that he began his board service. It was an emotional moment, and graduates cheered him on to help him finish his heartfelt speech. 

SEED Miami

The 19 members of SEED Miami’s founding class graduated this year after seven years together. Generous SEED Miami partner, The Concours Club—an automotive resort, hosted the ceremony. The creative setup allowed nearly 400 attendees to safely participate by watching and listening to the ceremony from their vehicles while graduates and a small group of SEED leaders and supporters gathered outside.  

The featured speaker was Bill Lester, a former electrical engineer and computer scientist who became a trailblazing NASCAR driver. His story is an inspiring one for SEED graduates—proof that there are many roads to success and a reminder to never give up on your dreams. The ceremony concluded with remarks from The SEED Foundation’s CEO, Lesley Poole. Quite appropriately for the venue, spectators honked their horns in celebration at the conclusion of events.   

The SEED School of Washington, D.C. 

Thirty-six students graduated from SEED DC on Saturday, June 19. Staff, graduates, and a limited number of guests attended a ceremony in SEED DC’s courtyard, and others were able to join via livestream. 

Keynote speaker Yusef Salaam, one of the exonerated Central Park Five, delivered an uplifting keynote speech, urging graduates to “become their ancestors’ wildest dreams.” At the end of his remarks, Yusef, who never got the chance to graduate with his peers due to his wrongful incarceration, was presented with an honorary SEED diploma. SEED staff and leadership also delivered remarks, including Brian Rahaman, head of school; Curtis Durham, principal; Desa Sealy, SEED DC board chair; and Lesley Poole, CEO of The SEED Foundation. 

To see more of the ceremony, which included speeches, poems, songs, and awards, you can view the recording here.  

SEED seniors may be leaving the campuses they’ve called home for the last several years, but they will continue to have the support of the SEED Network. Each graduate will have a college success advisor from The SEED Foundation to help them navigate college life and career planning, to visit them on campus, and to cheer for them at their college graduations.  

Thank you to everyone in the SEED community—families, staff, volunteers, and donors, for believing that each child deserves the chance to succeed. 

SEED Network Celebrates #CollegeDecisionDay

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While this year looks a lot different than other graduation seasons, seniors at The SEED School of Washington, D.C. (SEED DC), The SEED School of Maryland (SEED MD), and The SEED School of Miami (SEED Miami) are still finding reasons—and ways—to celebrate their success. This year, the SEED network of schools joined the national #CollegeSigningDay campaign showcasing the Class of 2021 and their accomplishments. 

College Decision Day is part of an initiative started in 2014 by former First Lady Michelle Obama to inspire and empower high school graduates to continue their education. Better Make Room strives to elevate students on their way to college, and says, “These young people are about to do something great, so we Better Make Room.” Every year, Mrs. Obama is joined by celebrities, community leaders, students, and families to increase visibility for the achievements of young people and to encourage them to persist through college. 

Typically, May 1 is the day that colleges and universities require accepted students to make a commitment to enroll in the fall, so the College Decision Day celebrations are often held on that day. This year, schools are being more flexible around their usual deadlines, but the majority of students, including those at SEED, have made their choices or are close to doing so. 

Like so many other milestones for the Class of 2021, College Decision Day celebrations are taking place remotely or in some cases at socially distanced events. But students across the country are using social media to shout out their future alma maters as they declare their intent. Each school across the SEED Network: SEED DC, SEED MD, and SEED Miami, is making sure we mark the college choices of our students any way we can. 

With the counseling and support SEED students receive in completing the college search, application, and financial aid processes, when spring of their senior year rolls around, they have plenty of options. We help students evaluate what the best school for them is—the place that will give the academic, financial, and social support that will help them reach their goals. 

This year, the first senior class of SEED Miami joins SEED DC and SEED MD graduates on their path to college completion. We celebrate them and all the students across the country who are shaping their futures—and the futures of their communities!  

SEED Seniors Make their College Decisions

The decision about where to go to college is one of the most important choices a young adult must make. Despite the challenges that they have encountered over the last year, SEED’s Class of 2021 has persisted in their academics, and, with the guidance of SEED adults such as their college counselors, they are committing to the schools where they will continue their education this fall. For some students, the choice is an obvious one; for others, it involves more analysis. But the SEED seniors featured below all have one thing in common: Their hard work in and out of the classroom has paid off, and they are one step closer to their educational and personal goals! 

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Ashanta Akins-Collier
 (SEED Miami ‘21) is a member of The SEED School of Miami’s (SEED Miami) first graduating class. She has decided to enroll at Wake Forest University in the fall. Ashanta plans to keep her 4.0 GPA when she goes off to college and to continue activities such as dance, in which she participated in at SEED Miami. 

Ashanta visited Wake Forest at the suggestion of her counselor, and she loved it immediately. “It was so beautiful. I immediately fell in love with it,” she said.  She wants to study psychology and eventually go on to graduate school for counseling or psychiatry. She would like to someday work with her mother, who is currently pursuing her degree in psychology and counseling.  

While she’ll miss her friends and the faculty at SEED Miami, she’s excited to set off to North Carolina. In addition to academics, Ashanta is also looking forward to campus life. “I’m really looking forward to the dorm, to meeting new people, student life activities, food, and football games.”

Ashanta feels as if she’s ready for college because of the foundation that she’s received at SEED. She says that programming such as HALLS (Habits for Achieving Life Long Success) have mentally prepared her for the future and equipped her with the skills she needs to overcome challenging situations in college and beyond. 

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Aron Simpkins (SEED MD ‘21) is weighing his options for the fall, but Howard University is his top choice. “It had a really great environment. I just felt like I belonged there.” He’s also considering Towson University and Virginia Tech. Aron is interested in majoring in communications and broadcast journalism and minoring in mechanical engineering.  

When making his decision, Aron is paying attention to important factors such as campus culture, academics, and affordability. “I really want to go to a college with a lot of school spirit, and I really look forward to playing sports.” A track and cross-country runner and basketball player, Aron is eager to continuing to sharpen his athletic abilities. He also plans to join campus organizations and to seek out as many networking opportunities as he can. 

Aron is also considering the financial implications of choosing each school and says that he learned a lot from his College Transition & Success (CTS) advisors about how to get the most out of available financial aid and scholarships. “CTS has been amazing about financial aid,” he says. “The financial education really helps you think about where you want to go and how to stay out of debt. That’s very important to me post-graduation.”

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Tedra Seggers (SEED DC ’21) is excited to start at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) this fall, where she plans to major in biology. Her favorite classes at The SEED School of Washington, D.C. (SEED DC) were sociology, biology, anatomy, and physiology. After completing her bachelor’s degree at VCU, Tedra plans to enter medical school to become an anesthesiologist. Tedra is focused on financially sustaining herself throughout her post-secondary journey, and as a SEED Foundation Scholarship recipient, she will have the funds to close the gap between what financial aid covers and the additional costs of college. Tedra feels great about graduating and moving on to college. “I’m super excited—I've never been more excited in my life.”

Tedra knew that she wanted certain things from her college. She wanted to go to school away from home, but not too far away. She also wanted to go to a school with sports teams and a marching band. Tedra participated in dance, cheerleading, and volleyball while at SEED DC, and she wants to be a majorette dancer with VCU’s marching band. Her SEED advisors helped Tedra with identifying schools that fit her criteria—such as offering a robust financial aid package and good on-campus supports for students, and VCU emerged as the perfect choice for Tedra. 

Deciding where to go to college is a huge decision to make at a young age—one that influences your future in countless ways. SEED students are empowered to make the best decision for their future because they receive a college-prep education, extensive advising, and an introduction to the college experience. 

Click here for more information on SEED and the programming offered to our students. 

College Enrollment Rates Declining

Source: National Student Clearinghouse

Source: National Student Clearinghouse

Students across the country found their education experiences upended in 2020 and 2021. For graduating seniors, that included college plans. In 2020, first-year college enrollment decreased significantly in comparison to prior year trends, and this trend will likely continue into 2021. 

Immediate college enrollment rates for high school graduates declined overall during the pandemic but dropped significantly more for low-income and minority students.  The National Student Clearinghouse reported that immediate enrollment rates in the fall of 2020 were significantly lower for students from low-income schools when compared to their peers from higher economic backgrounds.  (-11.4 percent and -2.9 percent, respectively). Similar discrepancies existed between graduates of high-minority schools (-9.4 percent) and predominantly white schools (-4.8 percent). 

FAFSA completion rates are another good indicator of college enrollment and persistence. Unfortunately, these numbers nationally are consistent with lower immediate enrollment rates for low-income and minority students. According to the National College Attainment Network, FAFSA completion rates for students at schools with high  percentages of Black and Latino students declined significantly more (-17.8 percent) than for students at predominantly white schools (-7.6 percent). 

At SEED, we have remained focused on supporting our students so that they are set up to persist to and through earning a college degree. Because SEED students receive one-on-one advising on how to apply for college and financial aid, 72 percent of our students enrolled immediately in four-year colleges in 2020 compared to 44 percent nationally. Last year 93 percent of our students completed the FAFSA. “Based on our students’ outcomes and outcomes nationally, we know that immediate enrollment is an indicator of college degree attainment. Our work to ensure that students are enrolling in right fit institutions is even more meaningful as you can see in our numbers that show our students graduating at nearly 4 to 5 times the rate of their peers nationally”, shared Vincena Allen, chief growth officer at The SEED Foundation.

Our support doesn’t end once our students have enrolled in college. Each SEED graduate is assigned a college success advisor who is with them throughout their postsecondary journey.  Not only are we at their high school graduation, we attend their college graduations! 

Our work is urgent because with a college degree our students are more likely to experience financial security and be employed even through economic downturns.  This is why the SEED community—our families, and students—continue to focus on the ultimate goal: college completion. 

Our staff and students have worked hard this year to keep their eyes on the prize and persist through unexpected and ongoing challenges. Every student deserves access to a college degree, and we provide all students—no matter their economic background—with the supports they need to achieve their goals. 


SEED’s College Transition and Success program uses data from individual SEED students and from student data reporting agencies, such as the National Student Clearinghouse StudentTracker, to understand student pathways and outcomes.

A College Degree is Now More Important than Ever

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In today’s economy, where most well-paying jobs require at least a bachelor’s degree, a college education is critical to establishing economic stability and job security.  

According to the Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce, “The bachelor’s degree (BA) has become the premier pathway to economic opportunity. The BA now accounts for 56 percent of all good jobs, due to greater demand for workers with at least a four-year college education.”

As income inequality steadily increases, it is becoming even harder for people in the lowest income bracket to get out and stay out of poverty. However, workers with a bachelor’s degree can expect to earn nearly $25,000 more per year than those with a high school degree, and unemployment rates for college graduates are half those of high school graduates. 

Quinton Lampkin, director of College Transition & Success at The SEED Foundation says, “In today’s fast and furious job market, every student must consider post-secondary education to remain competitive. Look at what’s happening in many communities across this country–jobs that were once in surplus for individuals with just a high school degree are increasingly a thing of the past or being outsourced to robots.” Of the jobs created since the Great Recession, 4.6 million required a bachelor’s degree, compared to 800,000 for those with a high school diploma or less. 

This gap in unemployment has only been exacerbated by the pandemic. The unemployment rate for workers with a high school diploma was 3.8 percent before 2020, peaked at 17.3 percent in April, and remained at 8.3 percent in January 2021. For workers with bachelor’s degrees, those figures were 2 percent prior, 8.4 percent at peak, and 3.8 percent by January. 

At SEED, we bridge the college access gap for low-income, first generation students and their families. We prepare students for college in our 24-hour, five-day-a-week program and our data-informed, individualized college matching methods support our students with enrolling at a college that will help them best meet their goals. The learning experiences, mentorships, and college advising provided by SEED, help level the playing field in pursuit of college completion. SEED graduates show that students from all backgrounds thrive when they have the resources and opportunity to do so. 

Attending college is a pathway to a career with growth opportunities and economic stability, but it’s much more than that. Dr. Keisha Findley, SEED Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee member and Microbiologist at the FDA, stresses the transformative nature of the college experience. “College is about self-exploration, and his or her experience will be unique to that individual. It is one of the most critical periods in one’s life, where students have time to identify strengths and weaknesses, develop educational and technical skills, define interests, make connections/create networks, and contemplate future career options. College is truly a time of discovery of self, others, and the larger world.”

All students deserve the opportunity to expand their horizons and to achieve success at the highest levels. Completing college has a lifelong impact on a person’s career prospects and ability to provide for themselves and their families. At SEED, our students expect to go to college, and we give them the tools and support to achieve their goals and dreams. 

ALL Students are “College Material”

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At SEED, we believe that every student should be encouraged to pursue their education beyond high school and have access to the tools to earn a college degree. Unfortunately, that’s not the message every student gets. While students from higher income brackets are likely to grow up with the expectation that they will attend college after high school, that is less often the case for students from low-income backgrounds. 

When Quinton Lampkin, director of College Transition and Success at The SEED Foundation hears people say college isn’t for everyone, he says, “What I hear is coded language—college is an expectation for privileged students and a luxury for everyone else.” 

While low-income, first-generation students face more obstacles when it comes to achieving college completion, when they have the right supports, they are just as successful as any other student. At SEED, every student is working toward achieving college completion. From the day they set foot in their dormitory named after a college to the day they receive their college diploma, they have a team of educators and advisors who set the bar high and help every student reach their full potential.    

SEED’s program model is built on three pillars: college-preparatory academics, social and emotional development, and college knowledge and advising. Through our 24-hour, five-day-a-week program, SEED students develop the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to be successful in college and beyond. We know that every child deserves access to a high quality secondary and college education. But students like ours—98 percent of whom are Black or Latino, and 90 percent of whom are low-income—don’t always have equal access to information to successfully enroll in and complete college. In fact, the statistics are quite sobering—only 11 percent of first-generation, low-income students earn a bachelor’s degree within six years. 

Ashley Bargeron, a college success advisor with The SEED Foundation says, “It’s damaging when you tell low-income, first generation students that college isn’t for everyone. College is the resource for so many of the students we serve to be successful—it can be a pathway to economic stability and help to end the cycle of poverty.”

Students at SEED are encouraged to find the school that is best for their individual talents, interests, and needs. SEED’s College Matching Tier System identifies colleges and universities with a track record of high graduation rates for low-income, first-generation college students, generous financial aid packages, and strong on-campus supports. SEED’s approach, along with our students’ dedication, have produced amazing results: 66 percent of SEED students graduate from college when attending a SEED-endorsed school. The success of SEED graduates demonstrates that setting high expectations leads to successful outcomes for all students. 

A College Degree Pays Off—Big: Personal Journey of SEED Graduate Talia Harris


Earning a bachelor’s degree is more than just a pathway to economic freedom and stability—higher education can also help ensure greater job satisfaction and fulfillment. We recently spoke with Talia Harris, a graduate from The SEED School of Washington, D.C., and of Trinity University about the difference a college degree has made in her professional journey. Now a lobbying & project manager at Earthjustice, an organization that is committed to combating climate change, Talia is passionate about the work she does every day and has maintained a sense of financial security. 

Talia’s journey to college completion wasn’t a straight shot. “I took some time away from college because I needed to refocus. After working at a local grocery store, I knew I needed to concentrate on my goals. I was not doing what I was supposed to be doing, and without a college degree, I wouldn’t be able to gain access or be seen as a qualified candidate by hiring managers in my field of interest.” Talia’s College Transition & Success (CTS) advisors were her first stop when she decided to reenroll in college. She also secured an internship with The SEED Foundation on the expansion team and the CTS team. 

In 2016, Talia graduated summa cum laude from Trinity University. She was also inducted in Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political honor society, and the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Talia feels she gained valuable skills while at Trinity University and that her bachelor’s degree in political science prepared her for her current role. “In school I learned critical thinking, writing skills, and problem solving—all of which were transferrable and helped me ease into the workspace. My degree got me started, and now I’ve gotten leadership roles and am on the incline—without it, I know I would not be where I am today.” 

In addition to Talia’s career enjoyment, she possesses a sense of reassurance which she truly appreciates—especially during a time when millions of people are out of work. She has seen studies that verify that unemployment rates decrease with increased educational attainment. “My degree is my foundation. I’m thankful to have been working remotely since the pandemic hit. After graduating, I had the ability to choose my career path. I received my third promotion last year, I feel valued, and I look forward to my continued professional growth.”   

National data shows that having a college degree pays off—big. We’re proud of SEED graduates like Talia who continue to persevere and thrive. Their dedication, coupled with our team and community of supporters like you, are the secret sauce that has led to impressive results. We invite you to take a look at more SEED graduates who are successfully navigating the workforce and reaching their full potential.          

SEED Class of 2020 Students Reflect on Freshman Year During a Pandemic

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SEED Class of 2020 Students Reflect on Freshman Year During a Pandemic

SEED students envision their college experiences for years before they set foot on campus at the college of their choice. During their time at SEED, our scholars reside in dorms named after colleges and universities across the country, get a firsthand look at college life through tours and workshops, intern and study abroad, and build the academic and social skills they will need to succeed in college and, ultimately, in their careers. 

For the class of 2020, freshman year of college looked very different than what they had imagined. However, they have adjusted and are keeping focused on finishing their first year strong. Below, find out how two SEED graduates and recipients of The SEED Foundation Scholarship have navigated their unusual first year of college. While it has not been easy, they have made the most of their opportunities and have practiced true perseverance to stay on course. 

Finding ways to stay connected: 

College freshmen typically need guidance on how to balance their academics with their social life and extracurricular activities. SEED college success advisors support graduates as they navigate their newfound freedom and burgeoning interests by staying focused on their academic goals, practicing prioritization, and utilizing time management. This year, students faced the opposite—with access to socializing and activities limited, they had to manage quarantines and feelings of isolation. 

Deborah Omoniyi (SEED MD ’20) started at Temple University this fall, where she’s focusing on cybersecurity. Her first semester was the furthest from her hopes for freshman year. She missed out on Temple University traditions such as Welcome Week, which typically consists of small and large events that help new students connect and explore the campus, as well as many other engagement events. On top of this, after just two weeks in her dormitory, she had to pack up and move back home, where she finished the rest of the semester. 

It was challenging. “Just the social impact. I basically had no friends. It was just eat, sleep, go online.” As someone who was used to being around people, she found it isolating. But she also used the time to become more comfortable with being by herself and to reflect on what she wants to do with her future. “It’s definitely affected me negatively, but it’s also helped me focus on what’s important.”

Second semester has been an improvement for Deborah. With safety measures in place, including frequent testing, Temple welcomed students back to campus, and Deborah is now taking a combination of online and in-person classes. “I love being able to explore Philly, and I’m making new friends.” She was also selected to be on Temple’s Owl Team—students who serve as ambassadors to prospective and incoming students. While she’s currently meeting with students and families via Instagram and Zoom, next year she hopes to be welcoming the incoming freshman class in person, the way she had hoped to be received this year. 

Mikyle Gregory (SEED MD ’20) did not go into his freshman year at Rochester Institute of Technology with high social expectations. In fact, he said, “I didn’t think I was going to make any friends freshman year.” However, since he has been on campus, he has formed close friendships with other students in his residence hall. Next year, he plans to live off campus with some of these new friends. 

Advocating for themselves: 

Prior to making their final college decisions, our seniors are guided to enroll at right fit colleges and universities, those with high graduation rates, high-quality campus supports, and generous financial aid packages. They are also encouraged to advocate for themselves and learn how and when to seek help. For example, Horace Robinson Jr., a college success advisor at The SEED Foundation, urges all his students to introduce themselves to their professors and attend office hours. 

At SEED, students receive individualized support and attention from people invested in their success 24 hours a day, five days a week. In college, they must initiate and build those relationships on their own. “I go to office hours about two to three times a week. I also utilize their advising sessions or tutoring services,” Deborah says. The schools in which SEED’s scholarship recipients have chosen to enroll have extensive on-campus supports. These services have proved to be a tremendous asset and are key to helping our graduates persist.

Focusing on academics:

The shift to remote learning has impacted all students, with some finding it more challenging than others. Mr. Robinson saw some students struggle with online learning. “It can be harder to stay engaged academically. Unfortunately, some of my students did initially experience a drop in their grades.”  

In the beginning, Mikyle was one of those students. “Honestly, some days it’s just hard to get up and sit in front of your laptop.” It took perseverance to move through that, he says. “I did struggle a little in the first semester, but I got back on track. I just remind myself that I want to succeed. It’s just about self-discipline.” His college success advisor supported him and kept reminding Mikyle to keep his eyes on the prize: a college degree. 

Mikyle chose Rochester Institute of Technology because it’s an excellent technology school. He is majoring in computer engineering and is also very interested in the computer science classes he’s been taking. One of the things that The SEED Foundation Scholarship will enable him to do is get a new laptop to keep up with the rigorous and complex computer classes that he’s taking.

Deborah found her academics demanding as well, but she did her best to stay focused and move forward. “I took a full course load, six classes, and it was very difficult. But I set myself a schedule, and I created a space in my room where I could study.” Even taking a heavy course load and being challenged to find a place to study, Deborah met her goals of making the dean’s list and continuing to pursue her interest in cybersecurity. 

Along with students across the country, Deborah and Mikyle had to make major adjustments to succeed in college this year. Having the support of their personal SEED advisor and the financial support of The SEED Foundation Scholarship has helped them stay focused on their goals and work through any setbacks. 

Stand UP for Education: The SEED Foundation Scholarship

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Not all college costs are listed on a student’s college tuition bill. Additional costs such as textbooks, transportation, computers, housing, food, and various fees (student activity fees, lab fees, club fees, etc.) can add hundreds to thousands of dollars in unexpected costs each year.

For some students, these additional costs can mean the difference between earning their degree and accumulating debt without a degree. That’s why, since 2004, The SEED Foundation has awarded scholarships to SEED graduates to help with closing the gap between their awarded financial aid packages and their total cost of college attendance. Scholarship recipients traditionally receive up to $12,000 over four years—or $3,000 each year—to pay for college essentials. With the generosity of our community, SEED has distributed over $800,000 directly to students in need of additional financial support. 

Jackie Ndayizeye (SEED MD ’17), a senior at Stevenson University pursuing a bachelor’s degree in human services and a scholarship recipient, is one student who knew that scholarships were essential to reaching her educational goals. “I knew I would need to get as many scholarships as possible if I wanted to further my education. I also knew that without scholarships, I would end up in debt or discouraged to attend college. Unfortunately, my mom was unemployed and still is—so scholarships were my only hope.”

The SEED Foundation Scholarship is making a difference. Our scholarship recipients are graduating at nearly five times the rate of low-income, first generation students nationally! And this year, we are raising $200,000 to assist 67 SEED graduates, like Jackie, persist to college completion.

Please join us for our six-month series highlighting SEED’s scholarship recipients’ personal college experiences and the difference individuals like you have made in their journeys to college completion.

“Since I didn’t have the financial support from my mom or family, having SEED there to guide, encourage, and provide advice was a blessing. And then to receive The SEED Foundation Scholarship—it meant so much to me. I hope other students, like me, have a chance to receive the same support. I hope it encourages them to reach high and to never stop. I thank the donors that supported me and helped to make my dreams come true. I greatly appreciate it so much. One day, I will give back too.”

At SEED, the Financial Aid Process Starts Early

The process of selecting and applying for colleges, learning about financial aid and scholarships, and deciding what school is the best fit can be overwhelming for any high schooler. At SEED, students and their families start learning about college affordability well before the acceptance letters start rolling in. Knowledge about financial aid and scholarships help students and their families make choices that best meet their financial needs and can help to avoid potential pitfalls to college completion.  

“College completion is our North Star, and a lever in the college completion process is college affordability,” shared Vincena Allen, chief growth officer at The SEED Foundation, and lead of our college access and success work across the network and with external partners. Starting junior year in high school and continuing through college graduation, SEED students and their families participate in financial education with their college counselors and CTS advisors. In their junior year, SEED students and their families participate in workshops, where they develop financial literacy. They learn about college affordability and other important financial skills such as banking, budgeting, credit, and saving. These are skills that they will apply through and beyond college.

In our students’ senior year, CTS staff work one-on-one with each student as they apply for financial aid and complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Filling out the FAFSA is a critical step in the college financing process, since it determines a student’s eligibility for federal, state, and institutional aid. Last year, 100% of SEED seniors completed the FAFSA, well over the 57% national average.

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Students leave the workshops with identified sources of federal and state aid, grants, and scholarships that will help fund their college journey. But our team takes our support a step further. In addition to financial education and aid workshops, SEED’s college advisors also work with our students to select a school that is the best fit for them. “We educate students about the true costs of college so that they can be informed consumers,” Ms. Allen says.

When students are evaluating which of the colleges they were accepted to, advisors take time to talk to each graduate about their bills, help them understand the additional costs such as meal plans, travel, books, lab fees, and other essentials that are not necessarily put forward in a financial package but can quickly mount up. Students learn that just because you have aid does not mean every cost is covered.

Our goal is to help our students graduate with financial freedom. To learn more about our programming offered to our students and graduates, click here.

The Importance of Scholarships for Low-Income Students

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Finishing college gives low-income, first-generation students a much better chance at breaking the cycle of poverty. College affordability is essential for these students to achieve college completion, and scholarships can bridge the gap between what is covered by financial aid and the total cost of college attendance.

College graduates make significantly more over their lifetime. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the average salary for 25–34-year-olds with a college degree is $57,900, versus $34,900 for those with only a high school degree and $36,600 with some college. Also, findings by the The Education Trust show that with only a high school diploma, almost half of children born into poverty will remain in poverty as adults. A college degree reduces those chances to one in six. But for students to increase their odds of getting out of poverty by attaining a college education, schools need to be more affordable. 

SEED’s college-preparatory programming is centered on guiding our scholars not just to enroll in but to also graduate from college. One of the ways we do this by offering scholarship funding. Access to scholarships give students more choices when they are making decisions about which school to attend and helps students persist to college completion. SEED Foundation Scholarship recipient JieJer Patrick (SEED DC ‘18), is currently enrolled at SUNY-Purchase, where he is studying theater performance and psychology. Before receiving The SEED Foundation Scholarship, JieJer said, “I was applying for scholarships, but I wasn’t hearing anything. I saw the balance I had to fund my education at SUNY, and I began to stress and wonder, what’s the point?” Being awarded The SEED Foundation Scholarship is helping JieJer afford to attend his top choice and to further develop his talents and interests. Scholarship funding helped cover the difference between his financial aid award and his total college expenses. He’s focusing now on his goals to work as both an actor and a counselor for children in schools.

The difference between the sticker price of college tuition and the actual costs of attendance can be significant. For some students, those added costs can impact their ability to finish their degree and pursue their goals. Scholarships can also help alleviate financial stress, allowing students to focus more mental energy on their studies and their goals for after college.

De’Nayia Bennet (SEED DC ’19), is in her sophomore year at Towson University, working towards a career in theater, an interest that was sparked by an internship at Ford’s Theater while she was at SEED. She says The SEED Foundation Scholarship alleviated some of the financial pressures of college. “It’s stressful to always have to think about money. It can take a toll on your mental health.” Having The SEED Foundation Scholarship meant that she did not have to take out loans for additional expenses such as books. 

Scholarships are a significant support to help low-income students on the path toward college completion and to give them the chance to build financially sustainable and fulfilling futures.

For those considering donating to The SEED Foundation Scholarship Campaign, JieJer says “If you’re donating, think about it as investing in the future, in the next generation. Just know that we are very thankful, and your support is a tremendous help.”

Beyond the Classroom: How External Opportunities are Linked to College Success

Each year, SEED students participate in various experiential learning and extracurricular programs to enhance their learning experiences. From international travel to SAT prep camp, our scholars benefit from a range of activities outside of the classroom to build their professional skills and set them apart from their peers in the college application process.

We recently spoke with two SEED graduates, London Hart (SEED DC ’19) and Brianna Mercer (SEED MD ’19) who made the most of the extracurricular programs available at SEED. London is a math whiz who took dual enrollment courses at the University of the District of Columbia, and Brianna is a mental health advocate who interned at the Black Mental Health Alliance. These experiences, combine with the college prep academics and student life programming they received as SEED students, help to ease their transition to college. Read more about how these experiences impacted their educational journeys.

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What college are you attending now and what is your major?

I am a sophomore at Emory University majoring in applied mathematics on a pre-med track. 

What classes were you enrolled in at the University of the District of Columbia?

I was enrolled in an English and a math course at the University of the District of Columbia (UDC).

How did your dual enrollment classes prepare you for your college courses?

Dual enrollment classes prepared me for the classroom dynamic in college. Professors aren’t as hands on as high school teachers, since they can have hundreds of students at a time and assume that you will take charge of your own learning. It also taught me how to effectively advocate for myself, which is a great life skill. If you don’t seek help from professors or resources on campus, the only person you’re hurting is yourself.

Why is it important for SEED to offer dual enrollment to their students?

It’s important for SEED to offer dual enrollment classes since it’s a college preparatory school and should do everything within its power to ensure that students are prepared for the transition to college. The ability to take college classes as a high school student is a privilege and an experience that many students do not get. It is also a great way to gauge students who may be excelling academically in the traditional classroom, since the only way for them to grow and hone their skills is to consistently be challenged.

Is there anything else you want to add?

A few other students along with myself were the first group of SEED DC students to take dual enrollment classes off campus, which was exciting. I am interested to see where SEED goes in terms of offering dual enrollment courses for students, and the partnerships that they create with universities in the DMV area. While we started at UDC it would be great if students are eventually able to take classes at Howard, Georgetown, or American University. While getting credits for college is great, the experience of taking college classes in high school is unmatched and looks great as an extracurricular.

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What college are you attending now and what is your major?

I am a sophomore at Frostburg State University majoring in social work.

Describe your internship roles and responsibilities at the Black Mental Health Alliance.

I attended planning meetings, helped plan events for youth in Baltimore, and did some research on programs that would benefit those struggling with mental health issues.

What was your biggest takeaway from this experience?

This internship helped solidify my interest in majoring in social work and to help youth in the future.

Why is it important for SEED to offer internship programs to their students?

Internships give you the opportunity to network with people in your field, which is super important! It also gives students a sense of independence and prepares them for future internship experiences during or after college.

Are you looking to apply for any internships soon?

I’m already looking into internships in the social work field for this summer.

Stand UP for SEED graduates like Dakara

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Dakara DaCosta (SEED DC ’18) is one of four siblings who have graduated from The SEED School of Washington, D.C. (SEED DC). She also has a younger brother who will graduate from SEED DC next year. “When my mom found out about SEED and how it supports low-income families, she knew it would be the best fit for us, that it was the best track for us to get the best education.”

A junior at Union College in Schenectady, New York, Dakara aspires to work in the public-school system and has taken all the necessary steps to make her dream a reality. She serves as a tutor for students in grades 3 – 5 and as a mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters, and she is applying to be a teaching fellow with an organization called Breakthrough Greater Washington. “I know the importance of a good education, and I know that our public-school system isn’t always the best. I want to help. I won’t sit around knowing there is a problem.”

Dakara is set on a path for success—but as a low-income, first-generation student, her path to a college degree could have ended before it began. In fact, nationally, just 11 percent of low-income, first-generation students earn a college degree in six years. “As a first-generation college student, applying for college, FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), and scholarships was overwhelming. Your parents don’t understand the process or what it’s like to apply to college. But with the help of the CTS (College Transition & Success) team, I got support with writing essays, completing my paperwork, and applying for scholarships.”

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This holiday season, will you stand up for hard-working SEED graduates like Dakara?

“Without SEED, I would not have known what I needed to do to get into college. My counselors helped guide me, and I got the best financial aid package. Thankfully, I will graduate from college with no debt.”   

With your support, we can ensure that more students like Dakara have the support they need to enroll in and complete college.

Cultivating the Complete Student: STEAM Programming at the SEED Schools

SEED LA is the first STEM-focused school in the SEED Network; however, SEED has always provided science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics, or “STEAM” courses.

Recently, we spoke to three SEED educators:  Dr. Lamar Bagley, director of student life at SEED DC; Andrew Pham, director of the InfoArmor Cyber Lab at SEED MD; and David Cespedes, technology coordinator at SEED Miami. Each of these educators play a vital role in supporting our scholars as they develop interests in STEAM-related careers. Learn more about how our educators are supporting our scholars below. 

Andrew Pham currently serves as the director of the InfoArmor Cyber Lab at SEED MD. Previously, he was a director at iD Tech Camps, a summer computer camp based in Campbell, California, that specializes in providing computer technology education to children ages 7 through 19. Andrew noticed that the demographic of students attending these camps was not very diverse and wanted to bring a computer science curriculum to students who need it the most. “I began to wonder what it would look like to bring students in Baltimore City the same opportunities as their more affluent peers. The gap is opportunity, not ability—and I want to help our students graduate from SEED with a digital portfolio that they can use to apply for college,” said Mr. Pham.  During his time at SEED MD, he has helped launch the InfoArmor Cyber Lab, which offers classes in 3D design and fabrication, coding, robotics, and more! Andrew’s next goal is to implement advanced placement or AP classes in computer science, cyber security, networking, and other tech-related classes. 

David Cespedes joined the SEED Network as technology coordinator this June. With a background in architecture, David ran his own digital design firm for four years while living in New York. David is looking forward to increasing the range of technology courses available to SEED students. “Our programming will have a big impact on our students and enable them to explore technology, programming, and coding. It will also open doors to potential professions and industries that they can apply the skills they are practicing,” shared Mr. Cespedes. SEED Miami’s upperclassmen can now take Intro to Technology and App Design to learn the rudiments of prototyping ideas for websites and mobile apps. Next year, David plans to implement classes in 3D printing and 3D prototyping. 

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Dr. Bagley has worked at SEED DC for 15 years, holding several roles during his tenure. He initially served as a 12th grade English teacher and now serves as director of student life, overseeing the 16 hours of programming that lie outside the academic day. Dr. Bagley has also been a key force in driving the arts programming—the A in STEAM—at SEED DC. In his role as producing artistic director for The SEED Falcon Theatre, Dr. Bagley exposes students to the various forms of performing (theater, music, dance), fine and visual art forms, production, competition, and entertainment. As students are now learning remotely, Dr. Bagley has pursued different ways to engage his scholars. His team is currently undergoing training to add “Zoomsticals” to the curriculum, where students can perform plays via Zoom. Dr. Bagley plans to introduce Zoomsticals to his students in the beginning of 2021. “Our artistic team went through a training to do Zoomsticals—a musical via Zoom. We are looking forward to sharing some of those experiences with our students and hope to do a musical production early in the year,” shared Dr. Bagley.  

At SEED, we believe in listening to our students as they express career interests and giving them the resources and skills to make their dreams come true. We look forward to growing our STEAM programming at SEED.

The SEED School of Los Angeles County Groundbreaking Event

Last month, The SEED Foundation, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro), and Los Angeles County (LA County), celebrated The SEED School of Los Angeles County (SEED LA) with a groundbreaking event. This historic milestone has been much anticipated in the Los Angeles community, as the 4.2-acre property has remained vacant for nearly 30 years. 

SEED Foundation CEO Lesley Poole began the groundbreaking ceremony with a powerful story about how SEED’s academic and boarding model changes lives, adding that “SEED’s five-day-a-week, 120-hour public boarding schools exist to plant, water, and nurture young people and ensure they know that they matter and belong.”

SEED LA, the fourth school within the SEED Network, will open in August 2022 and will serve 400 students in grades 9-12. Scholars will be selected through a lottery system which will prioritize students who have experienced homelessness or housing insecurity, have a family member who is incarcerated, or have had contact with the foster care, child protection, or juvenile justice systems. 

In addition to preparing for college, future SEED LA scholars will dive into a curriculum focused on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and the humanities with a transportation industry lens. They will have access to a mentorship program which will connect them to transportation industry professionals and to internships with LA Metro and other partners. Additionally, students will travel locally and globally, giving them a first-hand look at career opportunities in the transportation field all over the world.

“Our region’s transit system is undergoing a once-in-a-generation transformation — presenting an immense opportunity for Angelenos to take part in building a more connected, more sustainable, more prosperous future,” said Los Angeles Mayor and LA Metro Board Chair Eric Garcetti.

SEED LA is graciously and generously supported by cornerstone donors Dr. Natasha and Brandon Beck, Los Angeles natives who know the importance of a valuable education. Please join us in welcoming SEED LA to the SEED Network. With your support, we can provide SEED LA scholars with the academic, social, and emotional resources they need to achieve their college and career dreams. 

Click below to watch a clip from the groundbreaking event.  

SEED Graduates Break Barriers in the STEM Field

In recent years, the countless women of color throughout our country’s history who have made groundbreaking discoveries in the STEM field (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) have begun to receive recognition for their work. High schools, colleges, and universities have also begun to encourage women of color to pursue STEM careers.  

Despite some progress, women of color still face barriers and are vastly underrepresented in STEM careers. They face negative stereotypes, implicit bias, and limited access to a quality education. In fact, according to, in 2017, only 2.5% of science and engineering employees in the United States were Black women.

While there isn’t an easy fix to this issue, supporting more women of color as they pursue careers and leadership roles in STEM fields is one way to make an impact. We recently spoke with twin sisters, Nailah Gallego (SEED DC ’08, Brown University ’12, Meharry Medical School ’19) and Ayana Gallego (SEED DC ’08, Brown University ’12, University of MD Dental School in ’17), and Chanel Mack (SEED DC ’13, Temple University ’18), three young women—and SEED graduates!—who are pushing boundaries and have successfully secured careers in STEM. By including more women of color in STEM fields, we can ensure more diversity of thought, creativity, and innovation. Read more about their experiences below.

Is there anyone that has inspired you to pursue a career in STEM?

“When I was a sophomore at Temple University, I got an internship with a Black woman that owned her own construction business in Washington, D.C. She became my mentor, and in fact, we still talk today. Having an opportunity to see her managing her own company inspired me. I now serve as an overhead catenary engineer at AECOM, where I get to reconstruct and build trains and trolleys located all over the country. I love what I do!” said Chanel Mack.

“I noticed early in my career that I was one of a few black people. And not only in my department, but in the entire company. I am hoping that through my professional journey, I will change that.” - Chanel Mack

“I noticed early in my career that I was one of a few black people. And not only in my department, but in the entire company. I am hoping that through my professional journey, I will change that.” - Chanel Mack

What was your experience as a woman of color entering a STEM field?  

“As a second-year pediatric resident at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, D.C., I truly love what I am doing. I get to work with families that look like me, and my families get to work with a doctor that looks like them. The world ne…

“As a second-year pediatric resident at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, D.C., I truly love what I am doing. I get to work with families that look like me, and my families get to work with a doctor that looks like them. The world needs more of us.”

- Nailah Gallego

“After I graduated from Brown, I was told that I didn’t meet all the criteria for entering medical school and that my application wasn’t competitive enough by the advisors at my school. It was recommended that I find a plan B. But because I had mentors, and a strong network of support who constantly told me that there weren’t any limits to what I was capable of achieving, I pushed forward,” said Nailah Gallego.

A study done in 2017 by the National Science Foundation, found that only five percent of managerial jobs in STEM fields were held by Black women and men combined. In your personal experience, do you find this study accurate?

“As a dentist at a community clinic in Washington, D.C., I haven’t personally been impacted by the disparities of women of color working in the dental field. In fact, the dental department I work in is predominantly African American. However, several of my colleagues working in the private sector have experienced obstacles. They have faced challenges with getting their voices heard and with receiving a competitive salary,” shared Ayana Gallego.   

“Getting more women of color to explore STEM careers starts in high school. We must introduce them to medicine and dentistry early, allow for more hands-on experiences, and create a pipeline program. By giving students the ability to explore more op…

“Getting more women of color to explore STEM careers starts in high school. We must introduce them to medicine and dentistry early, allow for more hands-on experiences, and create a pipeline program. By giving students the ability to explore more options at a young age, a more diverse pool of students will begin to consider careers in STEM. It’s a field where we are the minority, and we have to make changes in our community to see a difference.

- Ayana Gallego

Harri-Anna’s SEED Journey—College Success, Remote Learning, & More

Harri-Anna is quickly adjusting to her remote learning schedule. Hear about her morning routine and the classes she’s taking this year.

“SEED is making sure we are on track with both an academic schedule and an evening program schedule. Even though we are learning from home, SEED is still requiring us to follow a routine—much like the one we would be following if we were actually in the dorms. I believe this will make our transition back to campus easy.”

All SEED scholars take Junior and Senior Seminar. In this course, students learn how to research colleges and universities and how to determine the schools that will best meet their needs. Harri-Anna’s top school is Florida State University, but she’s still weighing her options.

“Junior and Senior Seminar are two very important classes at SEED because they help the upper classmen better understand the process of getting into college. Junior Seminar is an introductory class where we learn about the requirements for graduating from SEED Miami, how to apply for scholarships, the FAFSA application, and how to pick a school based on SEED's right fit model. This class helped me understand what I would need to apply to college and how I would go about it in my senior year.”

“Now that I have started my senior year, I am excited to apply to college. I am a bit nervous, though. Senior Seminar is where we will be finalizing and applying to our list of schools and applying for the FAFSA and scholarships. Taking SEED’s seminar classes has provided me with a clear understanding of college and has furthered my realization that I truly want to go to college to better myself and land my dream career.”

Harri-Anna is confident that she wouldn’t have received a high school experience comparable to SEED’s at any other school in her community. As a SEED scholar, Harri-Anna participated in SEED Miami’s mock trial, where she got her first experience inside of the courtroom. This program is offered through SEED Miami’s sparks program, which is a component of the school’s student life curriculum.

“Since elementary school, I've always told people I wanted to become an immigration attorney because I have seen the struggles of immigrants. Being able to sit in a courtroom and to act as a lawyer for a case strengthened my interests, and I can't wait to become a lawyer and help people in need. Of course, there were moments throughout the day that I thought, maybe this is too hard, but I overcame that fear. The setting of the mock courtroom made me so comfortable. I can’t wait to start college so I can begin my journey to becoming an immigration lawyer.”

Thank you for taking a peek into the experience of a SEED scholar. With your gift, we can be certain that all SEED students—like Harri-Anna—have the support they need to move one step closer to making their dreams a reality.